Archive by Author

The Just Shall Live By Faith (Habakkuk 2:4-20)

Preached on the 10th January 2021 on the minor prophet Habakkuk delivered online in the Evening Service by Pastor Poh. [mp3] Right Click on “MP3″ and select “Save Target As” to Download the file

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Lessons Not Learned (1Samuel 20:1- 21:10)

Preached on the 13th January 2021 during the Bible Study on 1 Samuel, by Pastor Poh. [mp3] (Right Click on Image and select “Save Target As” to Download the file.

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The Primacy Of Christ (Revelation 1:9-20)

Preached on the Morning of the 10th of January 2021 by Pastor Poh on Revelation. [mp3] Please single click “MP3″ above or right click to download.

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God Is My Defence (1Samuel 19; Psalm 59)

Preached on the 6th January 2021 during the Bible Study on 1 Samuel, by Pastor Poh. [mp3] (Right Click on Image and select “Save Target As” to Download the file.

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Faith In Action (Habakkuk 2:1-3)

Preached on the 3rd January 2021 on the minor prophet Habakkuk delivered online in the Evening Service by Pastor Poh. [MP3] Right Click on “MP3″ and select “Save Target As” to Download the file

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The Centrality Of Christ (Revelation 1:9-20)

Preached on the Morning of the 3rd of January 2021 by Pastor Poh on Revelation. [MP3] Please single click “MP3″ above or right click to download.

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The Persistence Of Doubts (Habakkuk 1:12-17)

Preached on the 27th December 2020 on the minor prophet Habakkuk delivered online in the Evening Service by Pastor Poh. [MP3] Right Click on “MP3″ and select “Save Target As” to Download the file

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The Salutation Of Revelation (Revelation 1:4-8)

Preached on the Morning of the 27th of December by Pastor Poh on Revelation. [MP3] Please single click “MP3″ above or right click to download.

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